AICCOk OKC Chapter Lunch Meeting 11.14.18

HomeLunch MeetingAICCOk OKC Chapter Lunch Meeting 11.14.18
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Speaker:  George Tiger, Chairman of UINOKT

“Pathway to Leadership”
Leaders are trail blazers that forge a path for others to follow. They inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. AICCO Oklahoma City Chapter will begin a series of Native Leaders sharing their unique path to Leadership.

George Tiger served on the Muscogee (Creek) National Tribal Council and later became the Principal Chief of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. He is currently Chairman of United Indian Nations of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas (UINOKT). George Tiger will share his lifelong pursuit for professional development, struggles, and victories on his path to Leadership. He has the leadership skills to translate business and economic vision into reality.

Interesting Speaker ● Delicious Food ● Networking Opportunities

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