75th Annual Indian Hills Powwow

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The Oklahoma City Pow Wow Club’s 75th Annual Indian Hills Pow Wow.
The Indian Hills Pow Wow is held the last full weekend in July.
Keeper of the Drum/HS Leonard Cozad Jr
Weds July 23rd
8am Flag Raising
7pm Mourners Dinner
7/24 Thursday
8am Flag Raising
6pm Handgame Tournament
7/25 Friday
8am Flag Raising
5:30-7:30 Gourd Dance & Registration
7:30 Grand Entry
Children’s Contests & Intertribals
7/26 Saturday
8am Flag Raising
Sat 9am Horseshoe Tournament
Sat 1-5 Gourd Dance
5-6 Supper
6-8 Gourd Dance & Registration.
Sat 8p – Grand Entry
Women’s Contests & Intertribals
49 Contest after the Pow Wow
7/27 Sunday
8am Flag Raising
11am Church Services
12:30pm Turtle Races
1-5 Gourd Dance
5-6 Supper
6-7 Gourd Dance & Registration
7pm Grand Entry
Men’s Contest’s & Intertribals
All Specials during Gourd dance except main Pow Wow Staff.
Vendors 10 x 10 $75 daily or $200 all 3 days. 10 x 20 $125 daily or $300 all 3 days.
Contact Devon Fobb 405 641-7135 50% deposit required.

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