I currently am employed by a company called Dobson Fiber and am over the South West part of the state. I work with many tribes, cities counties and Enterprise customers on the design and implementation of what many of you have heard, called a network. It’s really nothing more than a highway system that will take you and your things wherever you want to go. Sometimes that highway is just for you, we’ll call that a dedicated network.
My career is technically very difficult and has is an accumulation of many years of hard work.
After graduating college, I joined the Army and was stationed in Europe. After serving our country I landed my dream job, a Forester in Montana, however I broke my leg severely and lost the opportunity. After that I went to work for a phone company in Oklahoma City and quickly became a student of technology and worked my way up, and after a few years was traveling the country working on companies like Nike, NASA, AOL and Seagate. I worked my way to that level quickly because I’ve always been taught to do what others don’t want to do. After many years of working for other’s I started a company called “Oretel” in the beautiful state of Oregon. After many years of providing services to customers I sold Oretel and moved back to Oklahoma. I became successful to the standards of what others would call successful, mostly by the amount of money earned. However, that’s not successful in my opinion. I became successful because people trusted me to do what they needed, not what I needed. A life of service to others doing the right thing, for them has earned me a very fruitful life.