Native American Hall of Fame Benefit Community Round Dance

HomeCulturalNative American Hall of Fame Benefit Community Round Dance
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Join us for a day of Round Dancing.
All are invited to dance!
Dr. Cornel Pewewardy will be sharing information about the history and progression of the Round Dance.
Singers are invited to introduce their new Round Dance Song compositions. Please reach out to Dr. Pewewardy to get on the song list. (see flyer)
This event is co-hosted by the Oklahoma City Pow Wow Club.
A concessions stand will be provided by the Oklahoma City Pow Wow Club and the organization will also be providing the meal.
Vendors are welcome, but spots in the dance area have filled up. There will be more spots available in an adjacent room.
Please see the flyer for contact information about getting on the new song composition list, and contact information for the vendor spots.

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