North Central Chapter Luncheon 8.21.19

HomeLunch MeetingNorth Central Chapter Luncheon 8.21.19
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Speaker:  Michael Burgess, Pawnee Nation College President

Topic:  How business owners and tribes can benefit from partnership with Pawnee Nation College

Michael Burgess leads the college as President, networking and maintaining connection with funding sources, planning and developing curriculum, coordinating with faculty/staff, supervise all administrative functions of college, continuously searching for new opportunities of funding and class development for the college.

Prior to working at PNC, Burgess was Chairman/Chief Executive of  the Comanche Nation.  He led the nation in strategic planning, economic development ventures, and oversight of executive managers of Comanche Nation government.

He earned his Master of Public Administration from Grand Canyon University and Bachelor of Business Administration from Oklahoma State University

Catering by Pawnee Nation Elders Program featuring homemade stew with Pawnee corn, beans and squash plus more delicious dishes and desserts!

Small exhibits for viewing during networking!  Pawnee artists on-site for purchases during networking!

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