Join us as we welcome Caterina Fake, Co-Founder of Flickr & Host of the #1 Tech Podcast: Should This Exist?
Register here: https://events.vizzi.live/ewoc/
1. Simply register for the virtual event by clicking the “Register Now” now at the top of the page.
2. Once there, follow the on screen instructions to fill out the form with the necessary information.
3. This process will register you with a unique ID that lets us know that you should be receiving an email to create your own profile, login, and password for the virtual platform where you will access our EWOC virtual experience
4. We recommend that you save your login and have the information easily accessible on the day of the event because you will need your login information to access the virtual platform.
1. Simply register for the virtual event by clicking the “Register Now” now at the top of the page.
2. Once there, follow the on screen instructions to fill out the form with the necessary information.
3. This process will register you with a unique ID that lets us know that you should be receiving an email to create your own profile, login, and password for the virtual platform where you will access our EWOC virtual experience
4. We recommend that you save your login and have the information easily accessible on the day of the event because you will need your login information to access the virtual platform.
*It’s important that you provide an active email address to receive further information from us about our event along with helpful tips, and attending guides.
1. The virtual experience can be accessed from most up to date computers and mobile devices.
1. The virtual experience can be accessed from most up to date computers and mobile devices.
2. On the morning of the event, you will receive a reminder email that will contain a link to the login page where you will access the event using your registration info.
3. Once you enter your login information, you will enter our virtual lobby.
4. To easily navigate our virtual lobby, we recommend using the attending guide that you will receive in advance via email.
3. Once you enter your login information, you will enter our virtual lobby.
4. To easily navigate our virtual lobby, we recommend using the attending guide that you will receive in advance via email.
*If you have issues logging into our event, simply click on the “Get Help” button the day of, and we can get you fixed up right away!
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) developed Enterprising Women of Color (EWOC) to focus on the fast-expanding minority women entrepreneur population as a revenue generators for families, communities, and the nation.
Minority women are the fastest growing population of entrepreneurs. While many women are making tremendous strides in the business world, they still face obstacles as entrepreneurs. MBDA serves as an advocate for women’s economic empowerment by supporting efforts to advance women’s equality and promote women economic advancement programming. The vision of EWOC is to ensure women worldwide to reach their economic potential.