Speaker: Joseph Lyon, CEO at My HR Professionals Topic: Benefits of HR Support: How Even Small Businesses Can Afford to Provide Great HR Buy your ticket online http://bit.ly/AICCOk-SE-Nov2019 Description: With today’s emphasis on company culture and loyalty, the role of human resources management and the types of benefits a company offers has become increasingly [...]
Speaker: Harvey Pratt Buy/RSVP your ticket online: http://bit.ly/AICCOk-OKC-Nov2019 Considered one of the leading forensic artists in the United States, Harvey has spent over 50 years in law enforcement, completing thousands of witness description drawings and hundreds of soft tissue reconstructions. Harvey is a Cheyenne and Arapaho tribal member and is recognized [...]
Speaker: Angela Willits, OK State Regents for Higher Education Topic: Reach Higher: Direct Complete Buy your ticket online >> http://bit.ly/AICCOk-Eastern-Nov2019 Angela Willits is the Lumina Degree Completion Manager for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. In this position, Angela serves as the program manager/developer for Reach Higher: DirectComplete, an adult [...]
Speaker: Dr. Cornel Pewewardy Buy/Reserve Your ticket Online>> http://bit.ly/AICCOk-SW-Nov2019 Title of Luncheon Talk: "Kill the Indian, Save the Indigeneity: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition" Abstract of talk: This luncheon talk focuses on Native/Indigenous experiences in the U.S., it's immediate application to understanding the false promise of recognition, liberal pluralism, and [...]
Lunch & Tour of Enbridge Energy Host: Brent Rush, Senior Community Engagement & NC Chapter Treasurer Buy your ticket online > http://bit.ly/AICCOk-NC-Nov2019 Please join the AICCO’s North Central Chapter for lunch and a tour of Enbridge Energy’s facilities in Cushing, OK. Cushing is home to the largest above ground oil storage [...]